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34: Carte des Odeurs: Lausanne, Suisse

Smells are linked to both past and present; everyday urban smells of everyday life summon memories that are not always related to the experience of the present moment as this urban smellscape map of Lausanne demonstrates.

  • Food scents often reminded smell walkers of other places and activities; skiing in Valais, a family African meal, a food stand on a street in Turkey.
  • The smells of nature evoked memories of happy climbing in the trees and prohibited fruit picking.
  • The smells of the many posters posted in the streets recalled school days and novels read lying in the sun on the beach.
From the historic roasting of the café on rue St-François to working with parents, passing by the smell of our hands at the end of the day, the smells of the city recall the multiple temporalities which coexist in a single human sniff.
Date: 2019
Media & size: Digital prints x 2, each 1089mm x 841mm

2019 – “Quel Flair”, Musée de la main CH-UV, Lausanne curated by Carolina Liebling

Commissioned by:
Musée de la main CH-UV, Lausanne, Switzerland

Permanent Collection(s):
Musée de la main CH-UV, Lausanne, Switzerland