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McLean, K. and French, J. (2023) ‘Two Centuries of Stink: Smell Mapping Widnes Past and Present‘, in Consuming Atmospheres. United Kingdom: Routledge.

McLean, K. (2022) ‘Sniffs of failure: discomfort, unease and serendipity in sensory communication design’, in #Failurists: Reflections on and critical interventions in the field. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Institute of Network Cultures.

McLean, K (2022). Temporalities of the smellscape: creative mapping as visual representation. In Kühne, O., Edler, D., and Jenal, C (Eds.) Modern Approaches to the Visualization of Landscapes, Springer

McLean, K (fc). Sniffing Silchester Insula IX: Smells of Urban Roman Britain. In Bonneau, X and Fragneau, V (Ed) New Territories of the Olfactory Experience, Infolio

McLean, K., Perkins, C (2020). Smell Walking and Mapping. In Hall, S., Holmes, H. (Eds.), Mundane Methods: Methodological Innovations for Exploring the Everyday. Manchester: MUP

McLean, K (2019). Sensory Maps. In Kobayashi, A. (Ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography 2nd Edition’, Elsevier

McLean, K., Lammes, S., & Perkins, C (2018). Mapping the quixotic volatility of smellscapes: a trialogue-interview with Kate McLean. In S. Lammes, C. Perkins, A. Gekker, S. Hind, C. Wilmott, & D. Evans (Eds.), Time for mapping. Manchester: MUP

Henshaw, V, McLean, K, Perkins, C, Medway, D, Warnaby, G (Eds) (2018) ‘Designing with Smell’, London: Routledge

McLean, K (2017). Mapping the Ephemeral. In Kent, A & Vujakovic, P (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography, London: Routledge

McLean, K (2017). Smellmap Amsterdam: Olfactory Art & Smell Visualisation, MIT Press, Leonardo Vol 50, Issue 1

McLean, K (2016). Mapping the City’s Smellscapes. In Harmon, K (Ed.) ‘You Are Here NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City’, New York: Princeton Architectural Press

McLean, K (2016) Ex-formation as Method for Mapping Smellscapes, T&F Communication Design Vol. 3, Issue No. 2, 2015

Quercia, D, Schifanella, R, Aiello, L, McLean, K (2015) Smelly Maps: The Digital Lives of Urban Smellscapes, AAAI Publications, Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Oxford, 2015

McLean, K. (2014) Smell Map Narratives of Place—Paris, New America Notes Online, Issue 6

McLean, K (2013) Smellmap: Glasgow. In Proceedings of the 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden

McLean, K. (2012) Emotion, Location and the Senses: A Virtual Dérive Smell Map of Paris. In Proceedings of the 8th International Design and Emotion Conference, London

Funded Research

2016–2017 – AHRC ‘Sensations of Roman Lives‘ with Dr I. Ewart, Dr H. Platts and Dr T. Krus

Selected Conferences

May 2021 – Uncommon Senses III, The Future of the Senses, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Jun 2017 – Human Olfaction Conference, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen, Netherlands. Olfacto-visual communication

Oct 2016 – Charting the Digital Final Conference: Discourse, Disruption, Design, Detour, Warwick University in Venice, Italy. A crumpled handkerchief and a sniff in space: temporalities in the smellscape