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29: Smellwalking Staten Island, NYC

At the Future of Storytelling Festival 2017 many exhibits explored virtual reality and augmented reality. This series of smellwalks served as a complete contrast to hi-tech audio-visual narratives with participants using “sensed reality”; a gentle sniff and amble, with an occasional stretch or stoop, through the grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center grounds.

Participants then created a similarly low-tech mapping of their experience using ephemeral materials. Coloured chalks were offered as smell walkers visualised their favoured smell of the walk onto a crayon map of the location.

On the third day it rained, and all the smell visuals disappeared.

Date: 2017
Media & size: Chalk and crayon on tarmac, 3048mm x 2286mm

2017 – “Future of Storytelling Festival”, Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NYC

Commissioned by:
Aaron Kennedi on behalf of Future of Storytelling (FoST) 2017

Thanks to:
FoST logistics team